Financial Planning Blog

Home unaffordability – Young Australians are getting left behind

In 2015 I made a personal submission to the Federal Government Tax Review. I was at the time I was concerned about home unaffordability (and continue to be). In the submission I expressed concerns about the rising price of homes and how difficult it was for young Australians to be able to afford to buy and pay off their first home. I also offered some tax-based solutions on how to fix it.  To read my submission, click here. Since then nothing has changed and I’ve continued to become annoyed about this, as I hear from clients with adult children about [...]

2018-02-23T17:45:56+11:00 April 18th, 2017|Own It|

Welcome to our Blog

Welcome to our Blog Money as an end within itself is never the real life goal. Money is only important because it impacts on many of the things you want to do. By joining us, you can take the worry out of money and spend time thinking about the things in life that engage and inspire you. Being money confident means that you’re more likely to live a life you love and achieve all you that you want to. Over time through our blog, you will find information on different topics on how to get the most from life. Life [...]

2018-02-23T17:41:49+11:00 April 6th, 2017|Life Values News|
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